Saturday, May 12, 2007

Chained Dogs

On another dog topic. The City Council of Gainesville will likely support a ban on chained dogs, one modeled after the Gwinett County Ordinance enacted back in January. It will outlaw chaining or tying a dog to a solid structure.

Although, I am a dog lover and hate to see any animal abused. I can only wonder what the long term effects this law would have. I like many people hate to see animals chained to short leashes. I do feel that this is a form of neglect. However, I have also seen dogs on long leashes (runs) of up to 50 ft with over 1500 sq ft to roam. That is more square footage then most people's homes. Where would we draw the line and how would this be enforced?

A proposed alternative is pens. In some cases a pen would be an improvement. However, is the City going to pay to have these pens built for low-income families, or just seize the pet? One must ask, "Is a loved and well provided for pet better of tethered, or put to sleep."

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