One of the Barbie Bandits. Ms. Heather Johnston claims it was all an inside job. The dental hygienist gone stripper, says it was all a joke. "I mean it's crossed a lot of people's minds, from what I've heard," she said. After the plan was hatched, she and Ms. Ashely Miller slipped on their "Stunner Shades" and began their career as "Bonnie and Bonnie" with the help of "Inside Clyde". Unfortunately, it only lasted 2 days before police arrested the pair and their inside man.
According to Ms. Johnston, while on the run the two got highlights in their hair, ate a big meal, and gave a homeless man some loot. Stripper versions of Robin Hood.
How long till we see this as a made for TV movie..Oh next week! or was that last week?
story AP
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