Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I have recently purchased the new Samsung Blackjack. What a great phone. It truely is a mini computer. I can recieve all my email thru Outlook which is a life saver. Surf the web with true web browser (just smaller). Text and a 1.3mp camera for great looking pictures. You can even stream live music, just like the web. This thing is the mack.

More info.. Samsung Blackjack Smartphone (at&t/Cingular)

Wrong Turn Klyde

You can't get a better local service than this. No cab fares and No Buses. Just bring you life vest.

Check out the woman taking pictures. Wanted Air Line Pilot.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Barbie Bandits

One of the Barbie Bandits. Ms. Heather Johnston claims it was all an inside job. The dental hygienist gone stripper, says it was all a joke. "I mean it's crossed a lot of people's minds, from what I've heard," she said. After the plan was hatched, she and Ms. Ashely Miller slipped on their "Stunner Shades" and began their career as "Bonnie and Bonnie" with the help of "Inside Clyde". Unfortunately, it only lasted 2 days before police arrested the pair and their inside man.

According to Ms. Johnston, while on the run the two got highlights in their hair, ate a big meal, and gave a homeless man some loot. Stripper versions of Robin Hood.

How long till we see this as a made for TV movie..Oh next week! or was that last week?

story AP

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Great New Fun Website

You have all got to check out OwnUp.net. Its a website where you can make announcements about someone you care about. It can be love, birthday, friendship, anniversary, in memory, or just plain flirting. Best of all its Free. No Catch.
You just click the OwnUp link and email what you want the message to say, and within 24 hrs it will be posted. You can then click the post link and automatically email the specific link to anyone you want.
Its a great way to tell the people you love how much they mean to you. And its FREE.

Don't be shy, I tried it and it was fun. Here's a link OwnUp.net

Bienvenido a Casa!

Welcome home, amigos.

I guess the battle is over. The Illegals have won. President Bush has made a deal with Democrats, that would give over 12 millions illegal immigrants legal status. The bill still must pass the House, but we know who runs that.

I have never seen an issue where, Politicians refuse to listen to their constituents. The (legal) Americans on both sides of the political fence have made clear their opposition to any form of amnesty, but it falls on deaf ears. Republicans want cheap workers and Democrats want voters.

If you can't beat them join them. I better brush up on my Spanish, because once the cloud of legal status is cleared. We will see a more aggressive Latin culture movement.

Here's where you can brush up your Spanish skills.

Hasta luego

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dudley Dooright

Seems Chris Davis has had enough of people running stop signs in his Gainesville neighborhood, and hes ready to do something about it. Armed with his trusty camera, Chris stands guard over his favorite stop sign, to catch villains in the act. If this doesn't work he may be switching to a shotgun.

By the looks of the picture, I think I would run the sign to avoid the drunk standing near the road.

So, beware those that "Roll n Go", there's a new sheriff in town.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Meet "Renato"

Here is one of Gainesvilles finest.

According to Renato, "I beleive That Et's are a socio-cultural phenomena. It is a reality merging into ours and shaping our collective consciousness for a future and coherent contact with life in the universe."

If you would like to meet up with Capt. Kirk and spend sometime looking up, check him out here.

I want what hes drinkin

Funny Wilbanks Ad

I Love It!

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Damn, I knew it!

Pretty Good Stuff

I like this. Just look at that doctors face. Reminds me of someone. How about that cross cut diagram of a limb on the wall. Pretty creative.
This was made by David Patterson.
Maranatha Christian Academy

No More Chicken For You

Hmmm, well aren't we lucky. Seems Gainesville, Ga is home to a most sexiest recipient. "Woody" who works for a local mental health hospital (or was that in a mental hospital?); has been chosen as a "Sultry Soy Boy".

"GoVeg.com" holds an annual sexy girl and guy contest for leaf lovers. Gainesvilles own "Woody" made 2006 the list. He contributes to the neighborhood by forcing his place of work to cater to his seed habit. Way to go "Woody", all of Gainesville, is proud.

Watch out all you chicken lovers, there is a new "Soy Boy" in town.

Old Tornado Photos

I found some old Gainesville Photos just after the tornado of 1936. Thought you all might find them interesting. Looks like massive destruction. I am told that there were a total of 203 lives lost and almost 13 million dollars of property damage. This storm ranked 5th in most deadlest tornados in America.

All I can say is wow!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Hi all. I just wanted to update everyone that I have linked us to a great information portal called Squidoo.
Squidoo, offers people a place to showcase anything that interests them. Its a great promotion tool. If anyone is would like to check it out, click the link.

I hope it will help generate traffic to the site and bring in more residents from our area. Remember, to please let me know if you have any other ideas to make this blog great.

Thank you for all your help

Here is the ad http://www.squidoo.com/northga/

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Chained Dogs

On another dog topic. The City Council of Gainesville will likely support a ban on chained dogs, one modeled after the Gwinett County Ordinance enacted back in January. It will outlaw chaining or tying a dog to a solid structure.

Although, I am a dog lover and hate to see any animal abused. I can only wonder what the long term effects this law would have. I like many people hate to see animals chained to short leashes. I do feel that this is a form of neglect. However, I have also seen dogs on long leashes (runs) of up to 50 ft with over 1500 sq ft to roam. That is more square footage then most people's homes. Where would we draw the line and how would this be enforced?

A proposed alternative is pens. In some cases a pen would be an improvement. However, is the City going to pay to have these pens built for low-income families, or just seize the pet? One must ask, "Is a loved and well provided for pet better of tethered, or put to sleep."

A Get Well Wish For "Klyde"

I don't know if you have heard, but "Klyde" a Rottweiler that works as a therapy dog for Northeast Georgia, is sick. "Klyde" has worked at NGHS for close to four years giving comfort and distraction to cancer and hospice patients. As a twist of fate "Klyde" has now been diagnosed with inoperable cancer.

I know the positive effect a dog can have. A loving dog does not care if you are sick, have hair, or only in a nightgown. The unconditional love, is irreplacable. "Klyde" gave that unconditional love to so many in the oncology ward. Bringing happiness and comfort to those most needing.

My prayer goes out to "Klyde". Though his outlook is grim, I wish him peace and comfort.

Friday, May 11, 2007

List of Local Politicians

List of Local Politicians

I have listed local politicians. Stay active and let them know your concerns. They work for us!

U.S. House of Representatives

District 10
Nathan Deal (R)
340 Jessee Jewell Parkway
Suite 520
P.O. Box 1015
Gainesville, GA 30503
770-535-2765 Fax

2437 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1009

U.S. Senate

Saxby Chambliss (R)
P.O. Box 6258
Macon, GA 31208
202-224-3521 Fax

Johnny Isakson (R)
P.O. Box 71955
Marietta, GA 30007
404-265-9085 Fax

Senate District 45

Renee Unterman (R)
P.O. Box 1685
Loganville, GA 30052
770-466-6361 Fax
Email (preferred method of contact)

Senate District 47

Ralph T. Hudgens (R)
P.O. Box 534
Comer, GA 30629
706-783-2406 Fax

Senate District 49

Lee Hawkins (R)
304-A Coverdell Building
Atlanta, GA 30334

Senate District 50

Carol Jackson (D)
P.O. Box 2246
Cleveland, GA 30528
706-219-2419 or 404-656-0094
706-219-1725 Fax
Email (off session contact)
Email (during session contact)

Downtown Concert Info 2007

Downtown Concert Info 2007

Get out there and enjoy the weather, meet new friends, and celebrate the charm of Northeast Georgia

Blue Sky Concert Series

May 16 – Phillip Rogers (Blue Sky and Apple Pie co-sponsored by the Gainesville-Hall CVB as a part of Tourism Week)

May 23 – King Daddy Polecats

May 30 - Jazzcronic

May 28th-Memorial Day Parade (American Legion)

September 29th– 4th Annual Art in the Square Juried Art Show

October 12,13,14th-Mule Camp Market (Gainesville Jaycees)

October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31st -Blue Sky Concerts (noon-1pm)

October 31st-Trick or Treat on the Square

November 15th-Upstairs Downtown-Holiday Open House

November 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20th -Downtown By Candlelight

December 1, 8, 15, 22nd -Mingle with Kringle (Main Street Market



Welcome to Northeast Georgia Buzz. The home for topics related to Northeast Georgia. I hope to create a place where the events and topics effecting the area can be exchanged. Many changes are taking place in Northeast Georgia, some are good and some are bad. Topics like immigration, construction, and taxes are just a few that are hot right now. Hopefully, by exchanging ideas here, we can help shape the future of the area.

This is your Blog!

Everyone is welcome to leave comments. Down the road I hope to have several co-editors to help with the topics. Please let me know if you would like to help.

I am a big fan of 550 am, and would like to use this blog to further discuss topics brought up on the shows.

Topics will be updated often. So, please bookmark and check back often. BTW if you like the site. Please support one of my sponsers as they keep everything free.

Thanks for stopping by,